First Shots Pistol & CA FSC

Firearms Training

First Shots Pistol Training

If you've never fired a firearm before this is the class for you. We developed this course keeping in mind first-time shooters. You can select from several calibers and makes of firearms. This class will get your familiar with the basics of shooting a pistol. We remove any anxiety or misconception that you may have about handling firearms. This is strictly an introduction to firearms course and is not considered a course that will prepare you to safely protect yourself with firearms. You will need to take other pistol courses, commit hours of time on the range, and take other personal protection classes to obtain that. This course covers the basics like safety, basic firearms nomenclature of parts, and basic shooting skills.

We will provide you with targets, ear plugs, and eye protection.

We strongly encourage you to read these basic safety rules and follow them at all times while attending our course.

Always Keep Firearm Pointed in a Safe direction
Never point your gun at anything you do not intend to shoot. This is particularly important when loading or unloading a firearm. In the event of an accidental discharge, no injury can occur as long as the muzzle is pointing in a safe direction.

A safe direction means a direction in which a bullet cannot possibly strike anyone, taking into account possible ricochets and the fact that bullets can penetrate walls and ceilings. The safe direction may be “up” on some occasions or “down” on others, but never at anything not intended as a target. Even when “dry firing” with an unloaded gun, you should never point the gun at an unsafe target.

Make it a habit to know exactly where the muzzle of your gun is pointing at all times, and be sure that you are in control of the direction the muzzle is pointing, even if you fall or stumble. This is your responsibility, and only you can control it.

CA Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC)

When it comes to owning and operating firearms, safety comes first, and a firearm safety certificate can give you the tools to safely handle guns and ammunition. Across the country there are varying firearms regulations that differ by state. However, in California, you need to obtain a firearm safety certificate before you can buy or sell any firearms. This certificate shows that you have taken the safety training necessary for handling a firearm.  Read on for more information on the handgun safety certificate and training in California

What is the California Firearm Safety Certificate?

Upon completing the firearm safety training required by the state of California, you receive a firearm safety certificate (FSC). You can consider this document as evidence of your legal ability to possess a firearm in California. A handgun safety certificate also applies to those who own long guns. California law lays down the responsibility every firearm owner must use their firearm safely. Your FSC serves as a binding document that confirms your acceptance of responsibility. Keep up to date with your state’s gun laws so that you know how gun ownership is affected by its legislation, since this applies to California gun owners.

FSC exemptions

The California law requires that anyone buying a firearm in the state must complete a firearm safety program and have a firearm safety certificate. Laws governing firearm ownership apply to all firearm owners, except for those listed as exempt by law. These are some of the exemptions provided by the FSC:

  • Special weapons permit holders
  • People in the military – on active duty, in the reserve, or honorably retired
  • Active peace officers in California or peace officers who work for the federal government
  • Federal peace officers who have honorably retired and California reserve peace officers
  • Operation of law representatives
  • Those people holding a federal firearms license (FFL) who collect older guns
  • Particular and limited authority peace officers
  • Those who have long guns and a valid hunting license
  • Carry concealed weapon (CCW) permit, holders
  • Law enforcement service gun to family member holders

Benefits of the FSC

There are two major benefits associated with the firearm safety certificate for holders and their families. The FSC’s emphasis on and teaching of firearm safety reduces the potential for accidental death caused by unsafe handling and storage of firearms. Additionally, it strengthens safety precautions to protect children of firearm owners from death and harm. In the absence of an FSC, first-time gun owners may not receive adequate safety handling and storage information, which may lead to especially serious consequences.

Testing for Your Firearm Safety Certificate

In order to take the firearm safety test, you must determine where the test will take place and what will be covered. Study guides can be found online or you can enroll in a prep class. Furthermore, you’ll want to find out how long your firearm safety certificate will be valid once you pass the test. It is required that you are at least 18 years old in order to take the test. In order to prove your age, you will need a California state identification card or driver’s license.

Where can I take the FSC test?

In California, you have several options for taking the firearms safety test. In this state, firearm safety certificate tests are available at certain firearm stores. Instructors certified by the Department of Justice (DOJ) administer the exam. At least 75% on the test or 23 correct answers out of 30 are required to pass.

What will the test cover?

The test includes multiple-choice and true/false questions that cover the basics of the safe handling of firearms. Topics of questions include:

  • Rules for safe handling
  • The parts and operation of a firearm
  • Types of ammunition
  • Shooting fundamentals
  • Shooting positions
  • Clearing firearm malfunctions
  • Cleaning a firearm properly
  • The use of accessories
  • Skill development

In addition, the study guide for the firearms safety certificate covers firearm safety in-depth. During your review of the study guide, be sure to read all the information, including current California firearm laws. If you use the study guide to find most of the test’s answers, you will be able to pass your long gun or handgun safety test more easily.

How long is the FSC valid?

Handgun safety certificates or FSCs are valid for five years from the date of issuance. In addition, you will have to pay $25.00 to take the test. Taking the test twice is included in the fee, so if you don’t pass the first time, you can take it again. After the expiration date, you must pay another fee and take the test again. In California, gun owners and dealers are required to renew their licenses annually to keep up with best practices and legislative updates.

The FSC Study Guide

There isn’t a training program required, only testing. The CA DOJ does offer a study guide in pdf format. And it can be downloaded using the link above.

Schedule a Class

Due to the individual nature of this class, please call or email us to schedule this session.

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